
Friday, January 18, 2013

Symptoms and Treatments for Feline Conjunctivitis

Feline Conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the inner eyelid.  Squinting, tearing and red eyes are symptoms that occur when the cat’s eye is inflamed. Conjunctivitis is uncomfortable and causes the cat to feel pain. 
Squinting and tearing eyes: Feline Conjunctivits
Squinting and tearing eyes: Feline Conjunctivits

Every cat that I have trapped or rescued has shown symptoms of conjunctivitis when they became stressed due to the trap.   

To care for these cats they were taken to in for wellness exam by a veterinarian. All cats were tested for the feline herpes virus.  This virus is generally the cause for feline conjunctivitis.

The veterinarian will determine the seriousness of the eye inflammation and may treat the cat with antibiotics or antiviral medication.  If this is the case follow the health tips provided by your veterinarian and administer the cat’s medication at the same time daily.
Cats that have mild feline conjunctivitis are treated with oral L-lysine an amino acid.  Sometimes I mix the lysine powder with canned food or I will give the cats a lysine chew on top of their food.  The L-lysine is not a cure however it does effectively control the symptoms.  

Cats that have feline herpes can be adopted and live with other cats provided that the healthy cats have been vaccinated for the prevention of feline herpes, otherwise they will be infected with the virus. 

Feral cats if trapped young enough can be socialized and adopted into a home where they will live indoors for the rest of their lives.  Otherwise the feral cat should be released to a controlled colony where the feeders and caregivers will watch them and supplement their food with oral L-lysine. 


  1. Prevent feline conjunctivitis by vaccinating your cat and keep them indoors. 
  2. Provide your cat with a stress free life and this will prevent conjunctivitis symptoms.
  3. Feed the cat a high protein cat food that will boost their immune system. 
  4. It is helpful to supplement diet with antioxidants and cat grasses.   As long as your cat does not feel anxious then the immune system will not be suppressed and the herpes virus will be controlled.


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