Care for your cat after the
miscarriage by setting up a safe room. This room should be a small room
like an office or a guest bathroom. The room will allow the cat privacy
in a tranquil setting without the worry of being chased by the family
dog or in a room with family activity. Now is the time for her to heal
and to do that she will need some privacy. If you do not have other
animals it is still wise to keep the cat quite and to confine them so
that there is no climbing or jumping excessively. The cat that has had a
miscarriage needs to rest and regain their strength.
Set up the safe room to have a cat bed, litter box and food and water and a cat scratching post. You can also add optional items like a window seat. Keep the safe room thermostat at a comfortable setting as you do not want the cat to be too cold or too hot. For the next five weeks your cat will need rest and relaxation with no stress.
You can help her with the healing process by attending to her needs; keep her litter box clean, her bedding clean and disinfect her safe room with a vinegar and water cleanser. After a miscarriage the cat is weak and it is easy for her to get sick. Take steps to rid the room of germs. Before you enter the playroom wash your hands with antibacterial soap and take off your shoes.
Feed your cat a high quality canned cat food
as this food will help to keep her hydrated and always give her fresh clean water.
Spend time quality time with the cat by holding her, petting her and talking to her softly. Never be aggressive with her and do not speak loudly. Keep with the routine and avoid change. Your cat will feel stress if you put her in another room or if you avoid visiting her. A nurturing lifestyle is needed to help your cat heal after a miscarriage.
Care for your cat after their miscarriage by cleaning them. Watch your cat for the first 24 hours for any discharge of blood. Report to your veterinarian if there is a discharge as this may be sign that there may be kittens remaining. If that is the case your cat will need emergency veterinarian care. (Light spotting 24 hours after the miscarriage is normal.)
Communicate with your veterinarian by informing them of the cat miscarriage. Ask your veterinarian for specific instructions. The veterinarian may want to examine your cat, if so take your cat in for medical care.
Plan on getting the cat spayed in four to five weeks or when your veterinarian tells you it is safe.
Monitor the visitors, by supervising young children; allow them to hold and to pet the cat gently. Keep all other household pets away from the cat as she may feel anxious or feel stress.
Do not allow the cat to go outdoors. A cat that has had a miscarriage will go into heat a few days after miscarriage. Now is not the time to breed her. Now is the time for your cat to heal and to get healthy.