When a natural disaster; tornado, flood, fire or hurricane strikes your community many cats will be homeless. It is up to you to lend a hand to your community and to your friends to foster the cats.
Many homeless people will go to the red cross shelters however they will not take in pets. The homeowners will turn to the surrounding areas kennels, however they may be full to their capacity. Cat owners may walk the streets with their cats in their carrier, they had no home, they needed to find a shelter for themselves and their cats.
Whenever there is a serious disaster the ASPCA and the humane society may set up a shelter for the animals that are victims of the natural disaster, the pets are in kennels and are awaiting their masters return. While this situation is helpful, what happens to the cat that has anxiety or stress, this cat in my opinion would do better in foster care. It would better for the cat to lie on a sofa or to cuddle next to a person than to be kept in a crate.
Many homeless people will go to the red cross shelters however they will not take in pets. The homeowners will turn to the surrounding areas kennels, however they may be full to their capacity. Cat owners may walk the streets with their cats in their carrier, they had no home, they needed to find a shelter for themselves and their cats.
Whenever there is a serious disaster the ASPCA and the humane society may set up a shelter for the animals that are victims of the natural disaster, the pets are in kennels and are awaiting their masters return. While this situation is helpful, what happens to the cat that has anxiety or stress, this cat in my opinion would do better in foster care. It would better for the cat to lie on a sofa or to cuddle next to a person than to be kept in a crate.

If you love cats then you should volunteer your services to foster a cat by contacting your area Humane Society. You can also inquire at your church to see if anyone needs temporary care for their cat. Communicate with your neighbors and your friends that your foster care services are available and maybe there will be someone in your community that will need special home care for their cat.
When disaster strikes your city, your town, or your neighborhood the community must look out for the cats that are in need of care. Say yes to foster care, help your friends and your community by providing personal and loving care to the cats that are separated from their owners during a disaster.
You are amazing! Your home was affected by the tornado and you are taking in other people's cats? Unbelievable but so you. I hope your home issues get fixed soon and life in Joplin gets better for all pets and their humans.
Priscilla: While my home may have serious problems I have more than others. There are so many that are homeless. Presently the victims are getting housing up to 55 miles away and some further. Some have had to pay a full years rent plus first last and security, the landlords are ridiculous and then they are not allowing the victims to have their declawed cats. It does not seem fair; these people did nothing and should not be treated like this. They were forced to surrender their beloved pets to the ASPCA shelters, and if they cannot bring their pet home the pet will be adopted out. The victims have loss their homes, their memories, and now they must lose their pets...I wish it was not like this, it does not seem right. We are supposed to look after the communities that have been destroyed and we should be looking out for the pets too...The Rental landlords should allow the pets to be reunited with their humans. I will keep my friends cats as long as I am able to do so. My friends are actively trying to place their cats with their family or other friends since they cannot longer have a pets
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