
Sunday, October 15, 2017

Ways to Stop Kittens from Biting

When my darling kitten turned two months old she began to play rough with me. Okay, it is totally normal for kittens to play at this age, but unfortunately, along with their play, they do not realize that they need to bite something other than their person. My husband thought she was hungry but learned quickly that it was not the case, because the darling kitten was biting his toes while he was making her a bowl of food and after she at a few bites she gleefully resumed her biting.  Through trial and error, I learned the best way to put a stop to the biting. 

The best way is to distract your cat when they begin to play rough or bite you is to introduce them to a cat activity.  .One way that works is to spray their scratching post with natural catnip then pick your cat up and take to the post. Set their paws on the post, once your cat picks up the scent of the catnip they will forget about biting you.
Another way to get your cat to stop biting you is to address the biting as soon as your cat begins behaving badly. Introduce them to cat toys. It is best to have the toys in a pet room or other room that is away from you.

I have often suspected that my kitten may be anxious or bored and this is why she bites me and plays rough with me. So I bought her a cat tree and sprayed the entire thing with catnip. She loves it and when she starts to bite and play rough I will pick her up and take her to her tree. 
* I recommend setting the cat tree next to a window so kitty can climb to the top. It is helpful to hang an outdoor bird feeder close to the window so your cat can watch the birds. Watching the birds eat at the feeder is more enjoyable than biting their human.

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