
Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Neighbor Alerted Animal Control about TNR

 Recently a neighbor alerted animal control that we were participating in TNR (trap neuter release of stray cats in our community)  In the last five years we have trapped approximately 62 cats for TNR. The cats were trapped in our yard and I have also trapped when people contacted me for help with removing stray nuisance cats in our community.  

These trapped cats were always transported to the veterinarian's office to be checked for cat disease, vaccinated, wormed, and sterilized. Then we released them to a colony that is located within 29 acres of woods.  The cats were away from neighborhoods and were cared for by people who love cats.

We thought we were being civic-minded, we were controlling the cat populations in our neighborhood and we were taking care of the colony cats twice daily.  But apparently, not everyone loves cats or supports the TNR of cats. Some people think stray cats should be left alone to struggle to survive, suffer in extreme weather, fight with other cats, mate, and produce hundreds of kittens.  The neighbor thinks that nature should take its course and that humans should not disturb cats with TNR and due to the neighbor's backward beliefs, he reported us to animal control.

The neighbor requested that I be arrested because trapping/TNR was against the law in my city. 

My photo of a cat that was trapped for veterinarian care

We were honest with animal control and told them that we only trapped stray cats on our property and when we had permission from people in our community. Only injured or sick cats were trapped in public or other private property (the woods).

TNR cat at woods colony

Below is a photograph of our yard. The photo shows that TNR should not bother anyone as the home backs up to 29 acres of dense woods and the home sits on 1/4 acre of land  

Animal control told me that I could only trap cats on my property. That I must have permission from the property owner to trap anywhere else. That I could no longer trap in the woods unless I had permission to do so. 

Photo of two kittens and queen feral cat in the woods

Orange tabby kitten trapped for medical care

What upsets me is the owner of the woods lives in another state and I have no way to contact them. It breaks my heart to think that in an emergency I cannot help the cat by trapping them for medical care if they are in the woods by my home. I cannot do this because the neighbor emailed me and told me that they are watching me and that it's their civic duty to watch and report me if I break the laws of the city.

Cats in woods colony and in thicket den

Yes, I am upset at the neighbor that alerted animal control about TNR and I don't think they understand how TNR helps cats and communities. We have thought about moving and have thought about buying the land by our home as that would enable us to help the cats that need to be trapped for medical care.

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